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Quail Hollow Ranch Nest Box Project

The Quail Hollow Ranch Nest Box Project is a group of volunteers associated with the Santa Cruz Bird Club, who maintain and monitor nest boxes at Quail Hollow Ranch County Park. This citizen-science project was started in 2002 to provide habitat for cavity-nesting birds, particularly the Western Bluebird (WEBL), a species that is now abundant at the park. Other species that regularly use our boxes are the Ash-throated Flycatcher (ATFL), the Chestnut-backed Chickadee (CBCH), the Violet-green Swallow (VGSW), and the Oak Titmouse (OATI). Occasional species are the Bewick's Wren (BEWR) and House Wren (HOWR). We report our data each season to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's NestWatch database.
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